Tuesday 4 September 2012

bargain hunter.

I went browsing round town the other day, simply because I had run out of things to keep me entertained throughout the holidays. I didn't purchase much, but here are a few random things I picked up.
While dawdling through Primark, I spotted this beauty of a coat! In my last wishlist blog I said how I was looking for a winter coat like the ragged priest one, but after I saw this for only £25 I couldnt resist. I bought it in a sizle 12 so that it looks oversized and that I can fit warmer layers underneath when the real english weather kicks in! Afterwards, I went into the River Island store and saw that there was a dupe just like the one I had just bought for £55! Definately proud of my little bargain I found ;)
I think I may purchase some studs and jazz up the shoulders, what do you guys think?
This cute little peplum top was also from Primark, I think it was about £8. I got mine in a size 6 and I love it! it fits me exactly and I cant wait to wear it with some high-waisted trousers/skirts!
 These buys were just random purchases that I need for college. The diary is from paperchase, its dead cute and I can store all my dates and events in, its also a handy size to keep in the bottom of my bag! The pens and pad are from WHSmith, just general buys for all my notes, nothing special! :D
Packing my college bag and getting everything sorted at the minute, not happy about going back!
Need lie-ins everyday I say!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post
Sorry for not blogging that much this week, been catching up with work I left to the last minute! haha


  1. That jacket is just rad! and for only £25 thats amazing! I'm in envy~

    1. Thanks! I've since studded the shoulders similar to the ragged priest ones.
      I'm going to make a post about it, so keep a look out! :D


  2. amazing jacket! i have the topshop version

    from helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my giveaway to win a MAC lipstick and 5 models own polishes! just click one page back!

    1. Thanks! I looked at the Topshop one before, but for £25 I wasn't going to give up a bargain ;)

