Friday 2 November 2012

DIY Studded Military Jacket

If you dont remember, I bought a military jacket with the faux leather sleeves (The ones that EVERYONE has) a few months ago. Purely because of the fact that everyone has the same style coat, I decided that I was going to stud mine to add some individuality.
The coat I used was from Primark and it was £25.
 I thought this would be a great thing to be blog about and then maybe you could use this to help you stud your own clothes!
I went for a 'The Ragged Priest' style of studded-ness haha! but you can change it up abit if you stud your own clothes :)
What you will need:
A knife - BE CAREFUL!
 I bought my studs from Studs from studsandpunks
I purchased 100 'UK77 Xtra Tall Gold Studs' for £11.95 plus postage. 
When studding my jacket, I pushed the studs through the material until the 'prongs' as I call them were completely peirced through. I then took my knife and with the side of it I forced the prongs flat so that the studs would stay put. I began studding in a cross shape on the shoulders as my outline.

I then took my studs around the edge of the cross shape to create a diamond kind of outline.

Once I had defined the outline, I then filled in the shape with studs in no particular pattern. I did it randomly so it didn't look too perfect which I think looks alot my 'edgy' and 'cool'.
This is what my jacket now looks like! I LOVE IT! :)
I always get comments from random people like 'I love your jacket, where did you get it from?' and it feels so self-pleasing to say 'I did it myself ;)' haha!
Have any of you studded your clothes?
Should I blog more DIY posts?
Thanks for reading!



  1. that looks soooo much better and amazing-err! come do mine? :D x

    1. thanks! As soon as I got it, the whole of my college slowly had it aswell, so it needed a change! :D

      Everyone keeps saying 'do mine?' in my town aswell haha


  2. WOW. You have some uber talent! Amazing!!!

    Check out my blog and maybe follow each other? Just leave a comment.
    I'm soon doing a GIVEAWAY for Christmas. :)

    1. Thankyou! :')
      and yeah sure! I love your designs on your blog, you have amazing talent aswell aha (:

